Tuesday, July 14, 2009

let be a fashi0n desi9ner

i wanna be a fashi0n desi9ner anyway i wanna be a superm0del.
they are interrelated
h0nestly, i'm n0t go0d to making a new idea,
maybe a little bit.
but, i l0ve fashi0n very much.
i wish, i can have bi9ger b0utique and i can wear my hand made.
maybe..... 0ne day.
s0 c0nfuse, can be real??
now, i try t0 learn them very well.
it's very expensive t0 study f0r fashion desi9ner in academy.
w0w, i can't trust it.
but, the less0n that i will have it's s0 c0mplete.
like drawin9, sewin9, ch0osin9 the materials,
art 0f fashi0n, and many m0re.

my fav0rite desi9ner is anna sui, hers desi9n is s0 unique.
i like them.
my fav0rite pr0duct is Zara,
they always up t0 date in fashi0n.
0ne day, i wanna sh0w my hand made, and me as the m0del.
spirit, spirit, spirit!!!



Made by Lena